Who is the Unlikely Priest?

Bruce Corrigan is an Anglican Priest. His story is a testament to life’s unexpected twists and turns. Bruce’s journey has been far from conventional, from the decks of Navy ships to the sacred halls of Anglican formation. His range of experiences speaks to the devout and anyone yearning for reconnection with their faith. Bruce is married to Meg Corrigan, also a military veteran. Together, they have been blessed with five children and ten grandchildren. His role as a father and grandfather has given him a profound insight into the challenges and joys of family life, grounding him in experiences that many can relate to.

Serving on five Navy ships, Bruce lived the life of a dedicated Career Navy Officer. Over two decades, he experienced the rigors of multiple deployments and, is a veteran of Desert Storm, and was a member of the Multinational Peacekeeping Force during the tumultuous times in Lebanon. From the rank of Seaman Recruit to Lt Commander, Bruce’s naval journey exposed him to multiple countries and cultures and a world far removed from the comforts of home, offering him a unique wordly perspective that few possess.

However, Bruce’s journey was not limited to his military adventures. Armed with a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Public Administration, he transitioned into the business world. From being a government contractor to directing marketing services and logistics for one of the U.S.’s most significant marketing and media companies, Bruce seemed to be moving farther away from a spiritual path.

A successful venture into creating a Marketing Logistics Company in Knoxville led him to an early retirement. But the stillness wasn’t on the horizon. He felt a pull towards service once more and served as the administrator and finance officer for a Roman Catholic parish, serving over 5,500 congregation members for eight years.

Although Bruce had always been a devoted Roman Catholic, the discovery of Anglicanism renewed his spiritual fire. This renewed dedication to faith drove him to delve deeper, completing extensive studies in theology and biblical studies. His academic journey resulted in completing both a Master of Theological Studies in Biblical Studies and a Master of Ministry. He has also completed Trinity School for Ministry’s program in Diaconal Studies, The Anglican Formation program at St. Paul’s House of Anglican Formation, and Spiritual Director’s studies at the St. Benedict Center for Spiritual Formation. He is currently completing the last required course for a Master of Divinity.

Embodying a worldly yet pastoral spirit, Bruce’s multifaceted life story makes him an ideal spiritual director and a purveyor of theology for everyday people.

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